Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today's Kinda Day

Hello! Today is a cold 'n' windy November Tuesday and I see that I haven't blogged lately... but I don't really know what to blog about. So I'll just talk about a subject that is screaming at me: TODAY!

Today is a cleaning up, hurrying up, searching for a dang parking space, taking notes, conducting an orchestra, composing film trailers, memorizing endless amounts of solos, arias, duets, answering my students' questions, reading blogs, parking in teachers' parking and hoping I don't get a ticket and then finding one sitting on my windshield,

studying up to be prepared for tomorrow, avoiding annoyances, getting out of waste-of-time banter, registering for more classes next semester, talking to the teachers, asking to be taught s'more to understand EVERYTHING I can kinda day.

And it's only 1:30 in the afternoon.

I'm looking forward to (trying to look forward to) a piano-playing and practicing, studying even more, memorizing even more, working out, being with Spencer and getting ready for tomorrow morning, and getting a restful sleep kinda night.

I hope tomorrow is a more productive and successful day.

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