I'll be honest when I say I believed that chivalry was completely gone when both my grandpa's died. Kinda depressing, I know. Sorry. But they were the ones who told me what kind of guy deserves me--the one that seems to not exist anymore. However, I think that every good girl deserves those kind of men. You know? The ones who resemble men like President Hinckley, Jimmy Stewart and our own dear grandfathers in attitude, respect and manners. Hey! If the guy looks like Ryan Reynolds, that's even better, but that's just my opinion. Maybe guys are saying the same thing about girls--that there aren't enough true ladies anymore, like Audrey Hepburn and Deanna Durbin (if anyone knows who that is).
I am frequently told that I am too picky but, in this day in age, ya dang right I'm being picky! I have every right and so does every other single person out there who is trying to be the best they can be. I'm not about to analyze how the guy walks or what kind of shampoo he uses but I will make sure that he's nice to me ALL the time without any alterior motives and that he is strong in what he b
With all that being said, it's not really a concern for me because I am happy. I know that, if something goes wrong or I'm sad or depressed for whatever reasons, only I can change that. It would be the same even if I had a significant person in my life, so HEY! It's good times, either way. I'm happy because I want to be. So, to all those singles: Let's stay strong together, fight the good fight, be picky, work hard and be happy.
I will admit that life would be funner to share with a Forever Buddy but I'm not about to sit around and wait for someone awesome to decide to find me. Not only that, but, before, my happiness was dependent on when I had a boyfriend. It's been so long since I've had one of those that I accepted it could just be me for the rest of my life (some people would think that I am being ridiculous but it's a possibility, believe it or not) and I'm cool. I'm cool beans all the way.
Chivalry isn't dead, its just hiding. As you know as long as you focus on the attributes of eternal consequence you'll find the man who you deserve and vice versa. You're amazing and I know it'll happen for you. Keep the faith sista!
ha ha...you said "funner" :)
Girl, I'm almost 29 and still not married. There's a guy I'm kinda engaged to, but I just have to make sure he's not too weird when he gets back! :) j/k
I think you should marry an Osmand. Any one of them, doesn't matter. You would fit in just fine with the musical abilities and big white teeth. And then I could finally hang with Marie! :)
Amen, sister. Everyone I date is either gay or lame. Or like Steve. Don't worry Stew. I got yo' back.
LOL- I had to smile at this!! Kris you are an amazing girl!! and SOOO beautiful!!!
I will be honest and say, I envy you!! I wish I would of waited until I was 27-29 to start the married life. Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE it with all my heart, but when you get married, it opens a door to a whole different lifestyle.
I wanted to get married so badly and its been the best thing for me. But I didn't get to grow up as "Catherine". I got married at 20, had Jocelyn at 21 (almost 22) had Bridger when I was 25. I grew up by being a mother and a wife and that's different. I never got to do those little things that were my passion before I started with the family thing.
You are so lucky that you've gotten the opportunity to experience this life and get to know what your great at. You have the WHOLE world in front of you, and ONLY in Utah do women get married at 18, 19, 20. LOL. I think about when Jed and I got married, I was 20 he was 22, we were such BABIES!! LOL.
Kris treasure this time in your life, its kind of like when your parents say " Treasure this time when your young, cause its never gonna happen again". Well its so true when you get married, it will NEVER be "ME" when you have children it will never be "US" and when you have 2 children you will go to the bathroom just for a few minutes of alone time!!
I wouldn't change my life, I would just pause it for 4 years. I would of gone on a mission, graduated college, tried out for American Idol (AND WON, I might add) then I would of tried out for dancing with the stars, go back to Utah, meet Jed, then wait 2 years THEN get pregnant and TA DA I would of had my cake and frosting, and whip cream with the cherry on top. I feel in today's world, women CAN have it all!! We can have a career, and a mission, and children, and a marriage and EVERYTHING we want. I think to many girls WANT to get married young (like myself) because that's what we are programmed to do. I'm not saying to post pone marriage or thats its bad, I'm just saying that if you graduated college, and went on a mission you would come back and be 23 years old!?!?! That is still extremely YOUNG!! LOL.
You deserve one of the best guys out there, so just relax and enjoy this single time, because once you find that mister right...it will be another great adventure yet!!
Love ya Kris!!
Your Mom goes to college
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